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Thursday, June 19, 2014

J.K Rowling

Every person in this world have their own dark life time. To get out from dark time every peson have their own way too. But this time, I want to tell you how JK Rowling can get out from her dark life time. Her way to get out motivated me..
Joanne Rowling as known as JK Rowling was born on 31st July 1965 at Yate, Gloucestershire is a British writer and author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, the idea came to her whilst on a train journey in 1990 and she wrote her first story in Edinburgh. Her books have gained worldwide attention, won many awards, and sold nearly 400 million copies.
In 1990, while she was on a delayed train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry "came fully formed" into her mind. When she had reached her Clapham Junction flat, she began to write immediately. However, in December of that year, Rowling's mother succumbed to a 10 year battle with multiple sclerosis. Rowling said this death heavily affected her writing and that she introduced much more detail about Harry's loss in the first book, because she knew about how it felt.
“Nine months after my mother’s death, desperate to get away for a while, I left for Portugal. I took with me the still-growing manuscript of Harry Potter, hopeful that my new working hours (I taught in the afternoon and evening) would lend themselves to pressing on with my novel. “
Before she success, in 1991 she moved to Portugal, in this time her dark life time is started, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded … and the fears of my parents, and those I’d had for myself, had both come to pass. By every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew.”
The manuscript had changed a lot since her mother had died. Now, Harry's feelings about his dead parents had become much deeper; much stronger; much more real, somehow.  In those first weeks in Portugal she wrote what has become her favourite chapter in the Sorcerer's Stone, "The Mirror of Erised" – and had hoped that, when she returned from Portugal he would have a finished book under her arm. In fact, she had something even better: her daughter, Jessica.
          Being unemployed and living on state benefits, Rowling completed her first novel in numerous cafés in Edinburgh and since then she has received world wide success, encouraging children and adults to get back into reading.
In 2000, Rowling established the Volant Charitable Trust, which aids women and children, and to combat poverty and social inequality. The fund also gives to organisations that aid children, one parent families, and multiple sclerosis research. Rowling said, "I think you have a moral responsibility when you've been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently."
Rowling has contributed money and support for research and treatment of multiple sclerosis, from which her mother died in 1990. In 2006, Rowling contributed a substantial sum toward the creation of a new Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Edinburgh University. "I am an extraordinarily lucky person, doing what I love best in the world. I'm sure that I will always be a writer. It was wonderful enough just to be published. The greatest reward is the enthusiasm of the readers."
She is an inspiration to both adults and children through her writing. The Harry Potter series has encouraged children and adults to read. Also her achievements as an author have inspired other
J.K Rowling is my inspiring person because she can get out from her dark life time. After her mother die, she separated with her husband. Then she being unemployed, her book harry potter refuse in anywhere. But she never give up, she’s strong it’s make me inspire her.

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