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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat
Angkor wat is the largest religious monument in the world. This temple was built by the khmer king Suryavarman II. Angkor War was instead dedicated to vishnu.Angkor wat lies 5.5 kilometres nort of the modern town of siem reap. It’s in an area of cambodia.
Fact of Angkor Wat :
1. Angkor wat was listed in world Wonder List
2. Angkor Wat is the largest monument of the Angkor group
3. It’s perfection in composition, balance, proportions, relief’s and sculpture make it one of the finest monumment in the world
4. The height of angkor wat is 213 meters or 699 feet.

Noctilucent clouds

Noctilucent clouds
Noctilucent clouds (luminous night clouds) Type of clouds, occurring at 80–85 km altitude, near the upper limit of the stratosphere, characterized by a blue to yellow hue, and similar in appearance to cirrostratus. The clouds are seen on summer nights at latitudes between about 50° and 65° in both northern and southern hemispheres, they move rapidly, at speeds up to 300 knots, often in a wave formation.

J.K Rowling

Every person in this world have their own dark life time. To get out from dark time every peson have their own way too. But this time, I want to tell you how JK Rowling can get out from her dark life time. Her way to get out motivated me..
Joanne Rowling as known as JK Rowling was born on 31st July 1965 at Yate, Gloucestershire is a British writer and author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, the idea came to her whilst on a train journey in 1990 and she wrote her first story in Edinburgh. Her books have gained worldwide attention, won many awards, and sold nearly 400 million copies.
In 1990, while she was on a delayed train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry "came fully formed" into her mind. When she had reached her Clapham Junction flat, she began to write immediately. However, in December of that year, Rowling's mother succumbed to a 10 year battle with multiple sclerosis. Rowling said this death heavily affected her writing and that she introduced much more detail about Harry's loss in the first book, because she knew about how it felt.
“Nine months after my mother’s death, desperate to get away for a while, I left for Portugal. I took with me the still-growing manuscript of Harry Potter, hopeful that my new working hours (I taught in the afternoon and evening) would lend themselves to pressing on with my novel. “
Before she success, in 1991 she moved to Portugal, in this time her dark life time is started, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded … and the fears of my parents, and those I’d had for myself, had both come to pass. By every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew.”
The manuscript had changed a lot since her mother had died. Now, Harry's feelings about his dead parents had become much deeper; much stronger; much more real, somehow.  In those first weeks in Portugal she wrote what has become her favourite chapter in the Sorcerer's Stone, "The Mirror of Erised" – and had hoped that, when she returned from Portugal he would have a finished book under her arm. In fact, she had something even better: her daughter, Jessica.
          Being unemployed and living on state benefits, Rowling completed her first novel in numerous cafés in Edinburgh and since then she has received world wide success, encouraging children and adults to get back into reading.
In 2000, Rowling established the Volant Charitable Trust, which aids women and children, and to combat poverty and social inequality. The fund also gives to organisations that aid children, one parent families, and multiple sclerosis research. Rowling said, "I think you have a moral responsibility when you've been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently."
Rowling has contributed money and support for research and treatment of multiple sclerosis, from which her mother died in 1990. In 2006, Rowling contributed a substantial sum toward the creation of a new Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Edinburgh University. "I am an extraordinarily lucky person, doing what I love best in the world. I'm sure that I will always be a writer. It was wonderful enough just to be published. The greatest reward is the enthusiasm of the readers."
She is an inspiration to both adults and children through her writing. The Harry Potter series has encouraged children and adults to read. Also her achievements as an author have inspired other
J.K Rowling is my inspiring person because she can get out from her dark life time. After her mother die, she separated with her husband. Then she being unemployed, her book harry potter refuse in anywhere. But she never give up, she’s strong it’s make me inspire her.

Exposition (Poverty, Intellectuality, and Character)

In this time, I will convey my thoughts about the relationship between poverty, intellectuality, and character.

            I think the intellectual and character of a person is determined by the environment, poverty have a big effect to environment. So that indirectly, the poverty have a big effect to someone intellectuality and character. but to reduce poverty itself, we need the people who have intellectual and character. So I can conclude that poverty, intellectual, and character have a close relationship, both in cause of poverty or the result of existence poverty itself.  

If you read my opinion in the upstairs, I can predict some of the questions that will arise in your mind .. sure you will ask "what should we do first to reduce poverty?" or "if poverty be the core problem formation of someone who have intellectuality and character, but someone who can solve this proverty is a person who have intellectuality and character, what should we do to reduce poverty while creating  people who have intellectuality and character?”
           What is my answer as a student in addressing the above questions? Before I answer I would explain the meaning of poverty first..
Poverty, is not a strange word to heard, is it? Actually what is the meaning of poverty?
From the source that I have read poverty is effect which is caused by social gap between who has and who has not. Poverty is someone’s inability to fullfill his need. While, intellectual is ability to think, and a measure how smart someone. And character is how someone think about something. Etc.

            So, what’s the problem? What is the connection between poverty, intellectual and character? Just like the explanation poverty is someone’s inability to fullfill his need and poverty is effect which is caused by social gap between who has and who has not. This gap will influence their environment, environment influence how someone interact each other. Otomaticly influence someone’s ability, how to think and behave or we can say intellectuality and character.
            My answer for the question above is a solution to create people who has high intellectuality and have character also people who can solve problem including poverty. The solution can be actualize by quarantine youth who live in poverty and during the quarantine government should form and create their intellectuality and charater. How about the poverty? At the same time make the people who has the intellectuality and character solve poverty problem.
Perhaps my thought looks easy if I put in the words but it hard to do the realization if the solution is done. I personally believe it can produse magnificent product it’s just about time.That’s all my thought about poverty, intellectuality and character. I’m sorry if my thought isn’t good enough. Thanks

Friday, February 21, 2014

Opening Dewa Athena

Hi guys long time no see! Today or in this post, I will tell you about my school’s senior-junior championship. In my school it’s call Dewa Athena. I have an assigment to post what i see and what am I doing in this championship. Okay this is my opinion, my view, and my activity at Dewa Athena let’s start it.

            At first I and my friend really excited with this event, because this event have a unique name DEWA ATHENA. We don’t know anything about this event until the technical meeting about this event. And after TM about Dewa Athena, we know that Dewa Athena is another name of sports competition.

            I think it’s enough for the explenation of what is Dewa Athena...

Dewa Athena started at 7:30 a.m, I and my lovely classmate TENSIDARAH <3 make a promises to come at 7 in our lovely school. But I come late so, I’m not go to school but to “Lapangan Bali”. We are gathering together waiting for opening of Dewa Athena, so we take a lot of picture like this…

Tensi Darah
Then my friends who become a committee of this event tell us to go to the field, and then make a row. The opening ceremony is start. I was fascinated and shocked because our principal MR. Encang comes to this ceremony to open this competition. In the beginning, some words were given by the head of the event committee and, of course the headmaster himself. For symbolic they lit the torch as the usually opening competition do. And after that the games is started.

            The first game I see is a match women football club or “belitung muda wanita” (BMW) because in this first match my friend playing, so I and my lovely class cheering them. J

After the end of this game, I and my friend get out from “lapangan bali” to “richeese” we are eating there. After that we come to Gball to play a football again. And we come back to “Lapangan Bali” again to watch a tug of war competition between my classes Tensi Darah with SPAM, but my classes lose at this game. The next game is race relay match between my classes and Sepatu Kaca, but at this time my classes become a winner. after that I come back to my lovely house, so that's all about Dewa Athena see you later guys :)
When we are waiting a match we take a lot of picture like this :



Friday, January 17, 2014

My Holiday.

        Hi everybody! I want to tell you about my activity in my holiday. This holiday time is different from the previous one. At a fist day of my holiday or the day after got a score from school, I went to school because I have to follow the regeneration of my extracurricular. The activity is we gathered in school at 7.00 a.m wearing free clothes. Then we study about the extracurricular, and then play a game. The game is to apply what I study in that extracurricular. I went back to my home at 2 p.m from school and arrived at 3 p.m at my house.

        I changed my clothes then took a nap because I really tired and I wake up at 4.30 p.m, then I ate a food, because I forgot to take a lunch, then I praying after that I watched a movie with my family. It’s my activity in a first day of my holiday.

         Every day during the holidays I'm running the same activity, like helped my family specially my mother, watched a movie, playing a game, reading a novel, and sleep. I didn’t go to anywhere because my father really busy so my holiday I just stay in my lovely home.

Before the new year’s come, my family and I took a plan to burn a corn and satay after maghrib for waiting oo:oo it’s fun because after burn a corn and satay we watched a horror movie, I know it’s really scared me but I told you this, gathered with family it’s fun. Without realizing we watched a lot of movie until 11.30, I realized it first, I remanded my family that 30 minutes later the New Year will came. We searched our fireworks and go to second floor to waiting for the New Year. And when 00:00 came, we turned on our fireworks, and watched another firework who colors the sky. It’s really beautiful.

        The next day after New Year we prepared everything about school like a book, assignment, pencil, pen, eraser e.t.c. that’s all about my holiday, thanks for your attention about my stories J see you again in my next post in my blog.


For all students of  Senior High School 3, this school will hold a variety of competitions in order to independent days . In the competitions, our school will hold a competition types as follows:
  1. English speech inter-class competition
  2. English debate school competition
  3. Football schools competition
  4. Basketball schools competition
For the first and second categories, each class must send participants with a minimum of three people and a maximum of five people to enter the competition. Meanwhile, for the third and fourth category, we will do the selection done by a special team based on students' data in last six months, because those competitions are going to involve entire school in the province. If you intereseted at this compeition you can take the formulir in front of class X IPA 6. Thank You

The Witch and the Pancakes

I will told you about this stories if you want to watch the video you can open this link

If you go to Toddington, in Bedfordshire, and you walk the short distance from the old church to an area known as Conger Hill, you will see a large mound of earth. Long ago, back in the age of Chivalry and, some say, magic, a great medieval building stood on this site. Now the mound is all that is left from these mysterious times.... Or is it?

To answer this question we have to go back many, many years. Now, just imagine you are standing on same spot in 1249. King Henry III rules England with the assistance of a small number of wealthy Barons. It is a bright morning but a nip in the air sends a shiver down your spine. As you look up, in front of you is a magnificent stone castle, surrounded by a moat.

The castle is the stronghold of Sir Paul Pever, who also holds a beautiful Manor House nearby. Sir Paul is a very important man for he is the king's seneschal (steward) and, as such, he is responsible for the running of the royal household and the dispensing of justice.

It is still winter and Sir Paul's household is busy preparing a feast before Lent (a period of fasting when only the plainest of foods may be eaten). Sir Paul is to visit the Manor and there is a rumour that some very important people will be arriving with him, perhaps even the king! The feast must go well, so that the manor will continue to prosper.

And this is where our story really begins. For, just as the preparations were in full swing, a disaster occurred. The chief cook was taken ill and there was nobody to make the royal pancakes.

It was a tradition particularly loved by Sir Paul, especially as the old cook, who had been with Sir Paul since his childhood, added one special ingredient that made these pancakes taste like no other.

The other cooks shook their heads; no one knew the recipe. Then a young kitchen maid had an idea.
"We should consult the witch that lives in the woods," she said. "She loves to cook and if anyone can make a pancake fit for a king, it will be her."

So off went the cooks, with the young maid and a knight to guard them, for many bandits roamed the countryside.

Finally they saw wisps of smoke through the trees and a rickety wooden house came into view. An old woman, wrapped in a thick shawl, sat outside stirring a large cauldron. She had long grey hair, a deep wrinkly brow and a very angry scowl. The young maid found the courage to speak.
"Wise woman," she said, "we are hoping you can help us. One of the cooks at the castle is ill and nobody knows how to make the royal pancakes."

The old woman's scowl deepened:
"Go away," she growled.
"But we need your help," said the maid, anxious they should not have come all this way for nothing. "My Grandmother told me there was nothing you could not make or do with your magic recipes."

The old woman looked up. Now, she may have been extremely grumpy and unpleasant but she was also very, very vain. Unwittingly the young maid had said just the right thing.

"And...if I make your pancakes," said the old woman, "what do I get?"
"Our gratitude," said the girl. The old woman scowled.
"Gold, um gold coins," said one of the cooks. The old woman still scowled.
"A room at the castle," said the knight. The old woman just shrugged.
"Why," exclaimed the young maid, "you would be famous!"
Seeing a flicker of interest, the girl continued, "Everyone would know YOU were the person who saved the feast."

"Perhaps," said the old woman, in that slow cunning voice witches sometimes use, "after all these years of toil, a warm room and some gold would help ease the pangs of old age."
She shuffled to her feet.
"We'd best be on our way then."

Rumour soon spread that there was a witch at the castle.
"It will bode no good," said the jester.
"I've never heard the like," said the lady's maid.
But the old woman seemed industrious enough (hard working) and the smell from the grill and cooking pot was so enticing that many household members would pop into the kitchen on the merest excuse.

Knowing the witch was not well disposed to humans, the other cooks insisted on sampling the dish before the main feast. As they tucked in, they were all smiling. The pancake was delicious and the filling truly magical.

"This is nearly as good as the pancakes our clever cook used to make," said one of the servants. Another nodded. "The master will be pleased with us."

The old woman seethed. How ungrateful, she thought. NEARLY as good, how DARE they! As the hours passed her mood turned darker and darker.
"The master will be pleased, will he?" she mumbled to herself, "I don't think so. I'll show 'em what a real pancake is like, with MY own special ingredient!" (Unfortunately by a 'real' pancake she meant a witch pancake). A smile played on the old, wizened face. It was not a nice smile.

The time for the feast arrived, the castle was sumptuously decorated in purple and rich red tapestries hung from the walls. The servants bustled in and out serving the guests with the best wine and delicacies the manor could offer. Then it was time for the pancakes. The smell was delicious and Sir Paul and his guests strained forward with anticipation. Taking a large portion, Sir Paul tasted the pancake followed quickly by his eager guests.

But, within moments, the smiles of pleasure turned to grimaces, the guests were choking and, I hate to mention this, spitting and reaching also, as they tried to be rid of the vile tasting pancake. Shuddering in disgust, Sir Paul thundered out his instructions.
"Dismiss the kitchen staff and throw whoever is responsible for this outrage into the dungeons!"

So the old woman was consigned to a deep, dark dungeon under the castle. Her cauldron and grill were thrown in with her. "Now you'll have time to practice your cooking," the guard sneered. Here the old witch stayed and over the years, as well as her recipes, she cooked up plagues and heartaches and much trouble for Sir Paul's family.

Just three years later, Sir Paul died, leaving instructions that his body should be buried in London but his heart at Toddington. As the years passed, the castle and manor fell into disrepair. Part of the manor became converted into a farm house and the castle crumbled away.

Today Toddington is a quiet place, very different from the days when the great manor saw such festivity. However, the heart of Paul Pever is not the only thing to be buried in Toddington – for, deep under the castle mound, the old witch remains.

Close to the mound is the church and it is the custom in Toddington to ring the church bell on Shrove Tuesday, to remind people to make their pancakes. This is known as the Pancake bell. It is said that, if you place your ear to the ground on Conger Hill and listen very carefully, when the bell rings, you can still hear the old witch boiling her cauldron and preparing her pancakes.

The church bell is rung between 11:00 and 11:15 and, until recent times, it was the signal for local children to leave the school and go to Conger Hill to listen for the witch. Unfortunately, witch pancakes are no longer studied in school, but one question remains unanswered - with what did the Witch fill her pancakes? What was the special ingredient? Was it, perhaps, some spiders or a bat, or something worse? Perhaps it’s best not to stay near the hill too long.....just in case!