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Friday, February 21, 2014

Opening Dewa Athena

Hi guys long time no see! Today or in this post, I will tell you about my school’s senior-junior championship. In my school it’s call Dewa Athena. I have an assigment to post what i see and what am I doing in this championship. Okay this is my opinion, my view, and my activity at Dewa Athena let’s start it.

            At first I and my friend really excited with this event, because this event have a unique name DEWA ATHENA. We don’t know anything about this event until the technical meeting about this event. And after TM about Dewa Athena, we know that Dewa Athena is another name of sports competition.

            I think it’s enough for the explenation of what is Dewa Athena...

Dewa Athena started at 7:30 a.m, I and my lovely classmate TENSIDARAH <3 make a promises to come at 7 in our lovely school. But I come late so, I’m not go to school but to “Lapangan Bali”. We are gathering together waiting for opening of Dewa Athena, so we take a lot of picture like this…

Tensi Darah
Then my friends who become a committee of this event tell us to go to the field, and then make a row. The opening ceremony is start. I was fascinated and shocked because our principal MR. Encang comes to this ceremony to open this competition. In the beginning, some words were given by the head of the event committee and, of course the headmaster himself. For symbolic they lit the torch as the usually opening competition do. And after that the games is started.

            The first game I see is a match women football club or “belitung muda wanita” (BMW) because in this first match my friend playing, so I and my lovely class cheering them. J

After the end of this game, I and my friend get out from “lapangan bali” to “richeese” we are eating there. After that we come to Gball to play a football again. And we come back to “Lapangan Bali” again to watch a tug of war competition between my classes Tensi Darah with SPAM, but my classes lose at this game. The next game is race relay match between my classes and Sepatu Kaca, but at this time my classes become a winner. after that I come back to my lovely house, so that's all about Dewa Athena see you later guys :)
When we are waiting a match we take a lot of picture like this :